Pupil Premium

At King Charles Primary School 44% of pupils are entitled to Pupil Premium funding which is above the national average. 

In 2023-2024 we have received £269,152 (including Recovery Premium) to support these pupils. 

This year’s funding has been allocated in the following ways: 

To develop the quality of teaching and learning by providing opportunities for staff to undertake additional training and qualifications e.g. NPQ. 

Offer opportunities for staff to further develop their skills through participation in learning hubs e.g. English and NCETM. 

To support EYFS practitioners to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding through learning hub projects e.g. Oracy. 

To improve the quality of RWI teaching through consultancy support and opportunities for Masterclasses within school. 

To implement interventions appropriate to the needs of individual pupils e.g. Reading 1:1, 1:1 RWI tutoring, speech and language interventions and

WELLCOMM interventions for EYFS pupils. 

Parent workshops to support pupil learning. 

Opportunities for the development of pupils’ cultural capital through the provision of a wider range of experiences: trips, visits and visitors. 

Pastoral support in school,including Learning Mentor and Place 2 Be to support pupils’ mental health and wellbeing.

Attendance Lead to monitor and track pupil attendance and implement strategies to improve attendance across the school.

Monitoring Impact

The Pupil Premium Lead is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the Pupil Premium strategy in school. 

Subject Leaders will also review the impact of the actions related to their subject during data analysis.

Senior Leaders will review the impact of the strategy during Pupil Progress Meetings. 

The Pupil Premium Link Governor will meet termly with the Pupil Premium Lead to discuss ongoing actions and impact to date. 

Pupil wellbeing is consistently monitored and discussed as part of the weekly Safeguarding meeting.