Special Educational Needs

Inclusion Team

Inclusion Lead: Miss A Rolph

Contact: 01922 720792 or send@kingcharlesprimary.co.uk

Assistant Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (Assistant SENDCo): Miss V Bench

Contact: 01922 720792 or send@kingcharlesprimary.co.uk

Miss Rolph is available on the main gate in the mornings in case you have any questions or concerns. 

At parents evening they offer a drop in service to discuss again concerns you may have.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Governor: Mrs E Gladwish 

Contact: clerk@kingcharlesprimary.co.uk

Local Offer: https://send.walsall.gov.uk/

Learning Mentor: Mrs K Bradley

Pupil Premium Lead: Mrs T Haughton 

Contact: 01922 720792 

The SEND Information Report please see our Policies Page

For our Accessibility policy, please see our Policies Page.

Our Vision

At King Charles Primary School, we put the child at the centre of everything we do. We embrace the fact that every child is different and, therefore, the educational, social and emotional needs of every child is different. In our school, pupils will be provided with high quality teaching adapted to suit the diverse needs of all learners. We are an inclusive school and offer a range of provisions to support children with additional needs to help them reach their full potential, leaving us well prepared for their next stage in education and beyond.

Blended Learning

The majority of our children with special educational needs, are taught within their classrooms through adaptive, high-quality teaching and additional adult support and interventions. There are a small number of children, who respond best by being in a small teaching group following a developmentally matched curriculum. 

We have two groups set up to support these children: 

Rainbow Group for children in EYFS and KS1 with communication, interaction and learning differences. 

Sonic Group for children in KS2 with learning differences. 

Both of these groups are working significantly below age-related expectations. Their timetable is organised so they access their base classrooms for some of their lessons, for social times and for special events. 

Rainbow Group Staff:

Miss V Bench (Assistant SENDCo/ Teacher)

Miss L Evans (HLTA)
Mrs E Price (TA)
Miss J Butler (TA) 

Sonic Group Staff: 

Miss A Rolph (Inclusion Lead/ Teacher) 

Mrs H Coley (Teacher - PT) 

Mrs L Ledsam (TA) 

SEND Admissions

For information regarding our admissions arrangements for SEND children, please see our admissions page here.

Here are some examples of our work: